The customization that comes with unbundled self-funded plans gives U.S. employers many unique, “difference maker” advantages. According to Andy Fujimoto of AmeriBen, these include the ability to recruit top-notch talent, reduce care costs, increase staff productivity and improve employee health. He shares how self-funded employers are one of the few groups that can spark change when it comes to a healthy America with their ability to educate employees and create custom, wellness-focused programs. Read more about Fujimoto’s thoughts on self-funding success in the article below.

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The Customization Self-funding Allows is Critical to Shaping Our Future

A financially healthy employer is the backbone of America. Healthy businesses result in jobs, which result in goods/services being consumed and lead to a vibrant economy. The customization available through unbundled self-funded plans provides entrepreneurs the unique ability to recruit and retain talent, reduce healthcare costs, increase productivity and improve the health of America better than any other method.

The American employer represents one of the few groups that can have the biggest impact on – and also has a vested interest in – changing societal attitudes toward healthcare. As costs rise and the general population shows indicators of becoming less healthy, the employer can elevate the thinking of employees who also serve as family, business and community members as well as citizens of the United States of America.

For instance, a diabetic who is not taking his/her medication or being held accountable continues to live his/her enabled life, thus contributing to the escalation of healthcare costs and lost productivity. Through proper plan customization that provides education and incentives/penalties, the health of employees throughout the country is enhanced and the employer cost is reduced. These examples in self-funding are numerous and all make a positive difference.